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Indoor Winter Soccer

2024-2025 Winter Soccer Program

Waseca Soccer Club is excited to kick off the indoor soccer season on Sunday January 5th.  Indoor winter soccer will go from Sunday January 5th to Sunday March 2nd.

There will a be FREE "try out soccer day" on Sunday December 15th. 5U-8U 12:00PM-12:50PM and 9U-13UPM 1:00-2:15PM.

Sessions will be coached by Waseca Soccer Club volunteers.

Sessions will take place at the Waseca Intermediate School (WIS) gym.

Listed below is the schedule for indoor winter soccer. We will split the first two sessions into age appropriate groups to ensure everyone is playing with kids their own age. 

  • 5U-8U - 12:00PM-12:50PM (birth years 2020, 2019, 2018 & 2017)
  • 9U-13U - 1:00PM-2:15PM (birth years 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013 & 2012)

No experience is required! This is an opportunity to come play soccer in a fun and friendly environment. Every player will get plenty of opportunities to play and have fun. 

Payment plans are available. Also if you qualify for free and reduced lunch please contact Waseca Community Education for a possible discount.